On Nov 27, 2012 U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder and Connecticut Governor Dan Malloy discussed “Project Longevity” providing funds for Active Shooter Drills with BATFE and FBI agents working in concert with professional “Crisis Actors” to provide realistic simulations such as the Drill at St Rosa pre-school at 46 Church Hill Rd in Newtown CT on Dec 14, 2012. Footage of this drill was shown live by CNN as being from Sandy Hook Elementary, which explains why there are no actual Victims or Crime Scene. Numerous youtube videos depict the ACTUAL Sandy Hook HOAX scene from the air with the victim triage tarps of different colors EMPTY.
Initially THREE wounded were announced which picture of ONE DISAPPEARED when the announcement became all DEAD.
On 12/14/2012 Connecticut Emergency Services, FEMA and the FBI were also conducting a Drill near Sandy Hook. One of their “Actors” was actually captured wearing cammo and a black T-shirt like Adam Lanza's running away from the school in the woods. Hopefully, they "sniffed" his rifle and it had not been fired 154 times. If they were careless and believed when they should have didbelieved...It would have been "strange" if Lanza's clothing did not fit, but the public will never know.
One of these "play acting" drills became the Sandy Hook Tragedy/HOAX.
Peter Lanza wished aloud that son Adam had not been born although he had interacted on weekends since 2009 and son alleged alienated from him for two years,"Refused to see me."
Peter Lanza works for General Electric at a huge salary and had been paying astronomical child support. This and that financial "L" happening seemed to tie the father "into the loop". Inconclusive. Probably no "need to know". London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) scandal connection seemingly was wrong according to Forbes magazine. In one recorded evidential instance the trader asked the cash broker if he knows the guy who covers yen on the cash desk. The broker acknowledges that he does and the UBS trader then says:
Trader-1: right from now on I need you to ask him a favour on the fixes . . . I will make sure it comes back to you . . . I alrteady do it with [Brokerage-A] . . . basically can you ask him to broke 3m cash ie libor lower for me today . . . I will look after you off the back of it. . . I do that for [Brokerage-B] too . . . so emphasise the importance to you . . . just suggest it looks a little softer to his accounts
Broker C: ok mate I understand I will go and speak to him
Trader-1: stuff like that . . . thanks mate . . . is very important to me today
After a five minute break, the two resumed their electronic chat:
Broker-C: just spoke to them and they are on the case
Trader-1: ok mate much appreciated
Neighbor of Nancy Lanza, Rhonda Cullen, told interviewers asking questions that,"Something doesn't add up." A relative, Marsha Lanza, an aunt to Adam Lanza by marriage on Adam Lanza's fathers side of the family stated that , Adam was a "quiet, nice kid," who had issues with learning.
Dan Holmes, local landscaping business owner , stated that Nancy Lanza collected guns, and that she showed him a rifle she had recently purchased. He may have been coached to say Nancy Lanza collected guns as Nancy Lanza allegedly had NO guns registered in her name and there is no record of Adam and Nancy Lanza going to a range to shoot despite the lined silouette with bullet holes found in the basement.
No Gun Permit Under Nancy Lanza's Name in Public Records, Stated TIME magazine...
Nancy Lanza did not have any guns registered in her name and there is no record ever of Adam and Nancy Lanza going to a range to shoot.
ATF Special Assistant Agent Gene Marquez stated that Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) "has not been able to uncover any evidence that the mother and the son were actively engaged in going to the gun ranges, practicing marksmanship, or anything of that nature."
The two pistols and the rifle found at Sandy Hook Elementary had been bought legally by Nancy Lanza, a law enforcement official familiar with the investigation told CNN after the other networks had taken up the rifle in the car, four pistols inside the school theory. Actually, a shotgun was in the car which was not Nancy Lanza's and the law enforcement official was correct.
However, Peter Lanza DID bring up politics saying they liked to debate politics as Adam Lanza got older and labeled his son as a fan of Ron Paul. No one else implicated "right wingers". Could be purely "CYA" since media getting various interviews and roughly 90% of media is biased towards Democrats, some warpedly, windedly and twistedly.
http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2014/03/17/the-reckoning?currentPage=all "HIT PIECE" to "color" the harmless nerd a shooter
Peter Lanza stated that he,"Thinks Adam was schizophrenic." Nothing distances a father from is son like a mental illness "blame card play". Peter Lanza discussed the changes in Adam’s psyche and stated that Adam lanza had been diagnosed with an entire range of mental illnesses which included Asperger’s, but did not mantion any that were associated with violent behavior. Peter Lanza states that the psychiatrists never ascertained the true root of his son’s problems, calling his son an “undiagnosed schizophrenic.” He stated,"Asperger’s makes people unusual, but it doesn’t make people like this." The Asperger's remark was to substantiate the father's "guess" about the “undiagnosed schizophrenic” status and that neither he, Peter Lanza, nor any else had considered the youth as violent. And Adam Lanza had no record of ever breaking the law, making any disturbance or even acting out in a violent manner. Of course, psychiatrists famously are not at liberty to discuss their clients, living or dead.
Peter Lanza told various interviewers that Nancy Lanza, the youth's own mother, did not know how dangerous her son actually was. Peter Lanza asserts that his ex-wife did not know she was living with a monster. Peter Lanza asserted that Nancy Lanza never confided that she was afraid of her own son. He contended that she slept with her bedroom door unlocked and kept guns in the house which she would not have done should she have been frightened. (In all actuality, it appears from the online DEATH NOTICE FROM NEW HAMPSHIRE that Nancy Lanza had institutionalized or transferred her son Adam to New Hampshire caretakers or relatives and had not informed her husband who was paying enormous child support. Of course she would be not lock her bedroom and keep firearms in the home IF she was ALONE! How did Peter Lanza KNOW about the unlocked bedroom and guns in the home if he had not visited in two years? Either way, Peter Lanza, furthers the notion that Nancy Lanza had no fear OR had LIED about her fear of the youth because she was alone and would not admit the son was elsewhere. One can check online for witnesses who had SEEN Adam Lanza on December or even recently to that date and THERE WILL BE NO WITNESSES. "Somebody", allegedly the father, declared that Nancy Lanza had accompanied her son to shoot at a gun range but this is unsubstantiated hearsay. NO witness ever testified to that but one psychiatrist did sumise that Nancy Lanza had profound shame and denial about the reality of her life. Peter Lanza stated in interviews that his ex-wife probably did not search for more help for Adam and for herself as a matter of being proud. In har pictures she appears even shy and unassuming. Peter Lanza stated that Nancy Lanza wanted everyone to think things were normal and everything was okay.
Nancy Lanza would not dare admit to her ex-husband that she had "farmed out" the son since that might jeopardize her alleged$250,000 annual overall paycheck. Might she have quietly paid cash to relatives or friends to "look after" her son Adam in New Hampshire. As Nancy Lanza has no record of applying for a gun permit or purchasing firearms in Connecticut, did she buy them in NH? Is this why she promised Adam a specific pistol for Christmas because she was buying it from a relative and bringing it from NH and had the check for an agreed price? If she TOLD Adam,"I'm going away to buy your pistol, would that make it OK by him for her to leave him all alone for three days? Also if he was with relatives in New Hampshire where the SSDI said he died, Nancy Lanza would not have any problem not feeding him for three days since he did not live with her. We may never know who if anyone, killed him, and he might have been included with the children and others sold into slavery. Or were there any victims in the first place? Like the 9/11 airline passengers, many people would be missing.
Adam lanza's second floor computer room is spotlessly clean, not messy as a son's room would be AND no posters of any kind - UNLESS he had been vacated to New Hampshire so his mother could "have a life". His mother would have cleaned his room but poster tack holes would have remained. If his father had visited, he would have been "out" getting something. Peter Lanza, busy re-married executive somewhat involved in LIDOR would have been too busy to wait for Adam to return.
Aberations or ODDITIES of Sandy Hook: Facebook removed but on Youtube as of August 14,2014 shows Victoria Soto had a RIP memorial page 4 days BEFORE she supposedly died.
Sandy Hook Elementary School nurse interviewed by LL Bean jacket reporter on TV that would-be Shooter's mother had taught at the school.
A "tribute video" was posted in November BEFORE the incident.
It featured a little red-haired "victim".
As Adam Lanza's brother's ID was found, authorities thought HE was the shooter.
FEMA declares itself ONE truth 4 Life. In line of children taken at a routine fire drill, ONE is yawning making it LOOK like she is TERRIFIED. FEMA l-366 is notice of fake drills for "safety".
Emilie Parker was onstage with the president ALIVE. Her dad had been the happiest "survivor" of them all, laughter to tears in seconds!
The United Way Sandy Hook Fund was also UP days before the "tragedy".
http://www.pakalertpress.com/2013/01/28/cbs-nbc-abc-admit-no-assault-rifle-used-at-sandy-hook/ LEFT IN CAR! JUST 4 handguns!
Then CNN said Bushmaster did it!
A report stated that just thirty days prior to the shooting, Nancy Lanza had allegedly attempted to buy her son another computer or parts for a computer to build himself. She told someone that she was concerned about her son Adam and said Adam had not gone outside the home in three months which is what Nancy Lanza would want the ex-husband paying her all that money--to THINK. She would never admit taking the youth to nearby New Hampshire because she had "caregivers' tiredness" and needed some time to herself. Again "someone" had witnessed or perhaps mentioned that Nancy Lanza had left ONE favorite meal,she HAD gone out ALONE for three days to New Hampshire, returned, slept in the pajamas allegedly at 10 PM and remained dead in the house from "shot in the morning time" until "discovery". Did she leave money with the "5:30 AM friend" to ring the doorbell for a minute or two, then leave food so her son would not STARVE while she was away for THREE DAYS? Or was the ONE meal supposed to last him THREE DAYS?
Perhaps as a grain of truth, Nancy Lanza had ADMITTED communication with her son through e-mail, although they supposedly lived in the same house. This email communication is consistent with the New Hampshire residence of Adam Lanza although the authorities never traced the Email to a New Hampshire Email server. Another grain of truth MIGHT HAVE BEEN that she never expressed fear of Adam or concern about her safety (since Adam Lanza was away in New Hampshire? The Social Security Death Index, before it was manipulated GONZO stated place of death as NEW HAMPSHIRE and the place would be omitted IF it was RURAL in the midst of several towns, especially if they were small towns with L-O-N-G names. Government data entry leaves something to be desired, like completeness.)
The plot thickened when it was learned that a mysterious report said, Nancy Lanza had planned to sell her Sandy Hook/Newtown home and move to Washington state or North Carolina to enable her son to attend a special school or get a computer job. She even planned the purchase expressly providing a recreational vehicle (RV) where Adam could rest while the house was being showcased to prospective buyers because Adam would not sleep in a hotel. Adam Lanza had refused to retreat to a hotel even when the residence lost power during Hurricane Sandy in October of 2012. But STILL Adam Lanza had no problem shooting his own mother and LEAVING THE HOME to drive the 2010 Honda car to the school for MORE strenious 154 round gun-toting, ammo-bearing -- shooting? Heaps of Poppycock and Bravo Sierra to be covering untruthful authorities!
One of the first things in the "news" about the Sandy Hook /Newport connecticut incident were that three people were injured in a shooting and were being taken to a hospital.
Later the news stated that there were no survivors.
It is possible that Nancy Lanza's "unexplained exit" plan to "sell out" had precipitated the entire Connecticut actualization of the authorities' planned acted out - worst case scenario? It is known that these events had been staged, complete with, "participants MUST CHECK IN electronic signs" evident in Youtube videos of "crisis actors" saying their lines. A Youtube video clearly reveals such a sign in the background behind an actor who was in photos as an actor looking for crisis actor or any sort of actor - work. Likewise several others. One made an especially egregious act seen many times when he portrayed a "grieving father" shedding "real" tears.
The incident sounds like a great photo-op except that there was no photo-op. In fact there were almost no photos or video shown at all that would validate any mass shooting had taken place, let alone a mass murder. There was a photo of a broken glass window that appeared to be hit with a sledge hammer. No bullet holes in walls and doors. No shell casings from the 9 mm and .40 cal handguns found only .223 casings – mentioned by an unknown source. One has to wonder, were the casings even fired? Did the reporter pick one up to tell if it had been fired? NO. It looks for all the world that the .223 casings were put there. Put where? In a pool of blood? The casings from the shot-out window would have been OUTSIDE, yet one SPENT casing was pictured SOMEWHERE. A close inspection of the window reveals ONE bullethole when st least a dozen would have been required to fracture the tempered, mesh-reinforced glass. In a crime scene that had not been roped off. A crime scene that had not been cleared?
Later, the entire school was demolished to be replaced by a milti-million dollar structure whereby eliminating ALL evidence that anything had taken place except in the imaginations of the "drill" team. Oddly enough, no bullet slug was actually found out of the “hundreds” of rounds some woman said she heard then even more oddly, none of the kids interviewed heard with their youthful perfect hearing.
But on November 25, 2013, CBS informed the public in a "long-awaited 44-page report" from unknown "investigators". However Connecticut State’s Attorney Stephen Sedensky III also stated there is also no clear indication why gunman Adam Lanza chose Sandy Hook as the target for his rampage other than the fact that it was close to his home, i.e. "proximinity" and "convienence".
The lawyer mentioned mental illness but insufficint to prevent Adam Lanza from doing the deed. Video games were also blamed including one called,"School Shooting" and Lanza's alleged obsession with the Columbine massacre. Lanza was packing over 30 pounds of guns and ammunition into the school and had the ability and intention to shoot and kill more than the 26 victims, the report stated.
Conn. Sen. Richard Blumenthal, who has developed "mono-mania" without "mouth-foaming" for gun-control legislation, also issued a statement, stating that the conclusive report-to-end-all-reports is a “gripping, graphic reminder” of the tragedy and “a testament to the bravery” of first responders.
Further igniting hoax beliefs, the final report does not list the 20 children killed in the massacre, nor does it reveal the 911 calls initiated from inside the Sandy Hook Elementary School on December 14,2012.
It was reported that in November of 2012, Nancy Lanza wanted to purchase for her son a CZ 83 pistol for Christmas and had prepared a check especially for that purpose although the total would be unknown? Was this "for show" to Adam or forged "for show evidence"? Many of these "details" and "evidence" were
"over-looked" by a lapdog, lazy Democrat or Dhimmicrat Dhimmicratic Party, 90% media intent on sabotaging gun-rights. They succeeded in Connecticut where gun-owners are livid as in very angry that jobs GONE IN Connecticut along with gun-makers. Any sort of job losses make Obama smile and party hardy every Wednesday in Washington,DC unless on vacation or golfing/fund-raising out of town. Then he finds someone to amuse himself with.
Then at around 5:30 a.m. on Dec. 10, 2012 just four days before the massacre, Nancy confided in a friend she could awaken at that ridiculous hour that Adam Lanza had "bumped his head badly." She told the friend for no apparent reason that there was some bleeding evident, but that "he was okay." Head woulds are FAMOUS for LOTS OF BLEEDING. How "badly" would it have to be to wake up the friend, worry her friend, then say Adam was OK, suggesting only "some" bleeding. No explanation was given for the "head bumping" by a 20 year old. (Head injuries are looked for in any psychiatric client as a cause of mental illness.
Was this "dreamed up" to make the bony kid look even more guilty? This is like a felon buying an illicit, dis-allowed automatic pistol for $100 and selling it three years later for $100 after a "gun-hating elected official drives gun prices "through the roof"?
Who dreams up unlikely stories like that? Even lawyers have more bovine excrementally enriched imaginations than that!
One scenario has Adam kidnapped surreptiously and on the sly, brought to Sandy Hook, then shot at the school by unknown assailants who allegedly kidnapped the children the coroner conveniently avoided all contact with. A HELICOPTER VIDEO REVEALS A DARK 4 DOOR CAR WITH ALL DOORS OPEN AND SWEATERS THAT COVERED SWAT TYPE GEAR -- LYING ON THE GROUND FOR LATER RE-DONNING BY 4 GUYS WHO LEFT THE SCENE SOMEHOW UN-NOTICED OR WERE FBI PEOPLE OKed LIKE THE ONE CAPTURED IN THE WOODS...THERE IS 'COPTER VIDEO OF THE GUY'S CAPTURE. IT WAS ON YOUTUBE...SEEN MANY TIMES BY MANY PEOPLE. IF THERE IS VIDEO OF THE 4 GUYS RE-DONNING THEIR DARK SWEATERS AND LEAVING IN THE DARK CAR...IT IS SOMEWHERE. PERHAPS IT IS SOMEBODY'S INSURANCE POLICY. "IN THE UNLIKELY EVENT OF MY DEMISE UNDER UNUSUAL CIRCUMSTANCES, MY FRIENDS WILL UPLOAD THE TAPE TO YOUTUBE...(THAT SORT OF THING) Common sense will tell anyone that a live Adam at gunpoint or drugged with something that evades a TOXICOLOGY SCREEN -- is far easier to WALK out to the car, WALK from the car, and into the school to shoot himself. (WAS OL' ADAM STUCK BETWEEN THE 2 SHOOTERS IN THE BACK SEAT? POSSIBILY...THE MISSING TAPE REVEALS ALL THE TRICKY DETAILS. The the purpetraitors take the kids they want to sell into Muslim or pediphile slavery. As arranged, ONLY ONE CLASS IS PRESENT FOR A PRIVATE CHRISTMAS "PARTY". No bodies of any kind were ever photographed or seen except possibly by the coroner who when interviewed seemed "somewhat amused" and claimed that he had autopsied children and his autopsy of Adam Lanza and the mother. Later learned that on the day of the rampage, the autopsy revealed that Lanza was 6 feet tall and weighed 112 pounds. The autopsy also failed to find any drugs whatsoever in Lanza's system, BUT there are drugs that DO NOT SHOW UP. Opioids, marijuana and probably alcohol...certainly. Methamphitamine, maybe...BUT LOTS OF DRUGS do not show up on a "TOX SCREEN". The coroner stated that he would autopsy other shooting victims "in the morning". It was revealed that the coroner had endorsed, written, or promoted a Connecticut law exempting himself from the autopsy of any children. Many people take CORONER as a "CRISIS ACTOR" otherwise character actor hired indirectly by Eric Holder under the Longivity Project mentioned ABOVE. The instance of the widely seen on Youtube video interview was the last time "the media" ever saw the coroner and apparently NOBODY ever admitted seeing any bodies whatsoever, not even the adults alleged to have been murdered by this heavily armed, loaded "for bear" skinny,lanky, weakling of a "shooter". It is thought that this coroner, at least fifty years of age, has suddenly and without any notice--RETIRED, most likely to Europe with no forwarding address unless the "shooter(s)" decided one more killing would be necessary to eliminate a "loose end". The "legislative action" eliminating his autopsies of children was somehow seen as "necessary" and prudent, giving the coroner "a convenient excuse" to send the victims straight to the funeral home where empty coffins would simulate burials. Did the funeral home "workers" also "RETIRE" mysteriously or just have "closed coffin burials" to cover the mass-kidnapping. Were the imaginary victims placed in their coffins at the murder scene, limiting the number of witnesses to the kidnappers/murderers involved? Somebody knows but SILENCE is golden. Especially when people in large black luxury cars make "shooting gestures" at you noting that you are already nervous. "Nothing to fear but fear itself" is a Churchill quote but when personally threatened...sometimes bravado caves into self-preservation instincts. Various "speakers" at "conventions of the like-minded" SAY all sorts of things but would THEY really put their lives on the line or is that just "the guy in the backseat spouting off after the cop has left". Were they actually threatened? Maybe, maybe not. But it makes a good speech at
"conventions of the like-minded" who want to leave with something to remember. "Old Jones sure is brave! That other speaker is DEAD under suspicious circumstances."
ANOTHER POSSIBILITY IS THAT THE 4 DARK SWEATER GUYS TOOK ADAM INSIDE, SHOT TWO TEACHERS AND ADAM AND LEFT. THE DRILL PRETENDED TO FIND THE KIDS BUT ONLY 3 GURNEYS OF BODIES WERE MOVED. Even the alleged lone Sandy Hook survivor's family is NOT suing ANYONE. It has been researched that ONE child survived and the condition is unknown...
This child had to "hang on" while someone drove them to the hospital which due to Hillary Rodham Clinton and other politicians may have been EIGHTY MILES AWAY in the traffic.
THIS IS A GOOD TIME TO PRAY for this person.and would be a good thing to PRAY for everybody involved.*****************************************************************
NOBODY was helicoptered to the hospital and after accidents/crime VICTIMS are always taken to hospitals for possible re-susitation and possible transplant of organs/tissues/CORNEAS...
The Muslims and pediophiles recieved their victims, since the empty caskets were buried ceremoniously as if occupied and the crisis actors got their checks after signing documents amounting to lifetime gag orders. They will never tell...HMM a locking casket with a secret key site would prevent prying eyes from seeing the "empty truth". Buy them locked, house them, take them to funerals unopened, bury them...no one is ever the wiser.
HMMM...if and it's a gristly thought...but EVEN IF there is HEAD TRAUMA, the feet can be shown or other body areas ARMS for birthmarks, accident scars, operations,etc...so a parent could look at FEET if they know their child was a CLUB FOOT which none were...just example. Even PERFECT KIDS have scars on feet sometimes...webbed toes,minor birth defects,etc.
If NOBODY identified any children, or even was allowed to look at FEET...there is possibility of kidnapping.
This blog is not intended to hurt anyone's feelings, arouse anyone's ire, or in any way, shape, or fashion -- irk anyone. The speculation is pure speculation unless it is blended with other speculation, in which case it might be all baloney in type font. Be not irked, irksome funeral profiteers, charity fund profiteers, and others who tend to feel somehow slighted. If you do not know there are several versions of the Sandy Hook Incident by now, it is possible you skipped over everything to see what was here and will never know except what is here in the disclaimer. Nothing is intended to be personal. Over the years, persons have made note of failings so let the buyer beware. A wise Chris once said,"TRUST NO ONE!" A wise POTUS once said,"TRUST BUT VERIFY." Let the reader be open minded but not subject to believe everything heard, seen, felt,or transcribed. All content provided on this blog is for informational purposes only. The owner of this blog makes no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information on this site or found by following any link on this site. The owner will not be liable for any errors or omissions in this information nor for the availability of this information. The owner will not be liable for any losses, injuries, or damages from the display or use of this information. These terms and conditions of use are subject to change at anytime and without notice.
There is NOTHING PLAUSIBLE (except the F.B.I. with its perennial "lone gunman" scenario) to suggest that Adam Lanza was even violent, killed anybody, much less himself since he had made no suicide attempts either. Sources say Adam Lanza fired 154 shots within five minutes! Poppycock! Bravo Sierra! It is doubtful that a kill-crazed, well-trained, powerfully-built shooter could have accomplished this massacre much less this pale, scrawny, inside-dwelling, unathletic 20-year-old. Someone MAY have practiced shooting out re-enforced plate glass of the type at Sandy Hook Dec 14,2012. Recall that according to Time magazine, Nancy Lanza never registered or bought weapons in her name. Look at the "computer room". Does it look like a 20 year old spent years there? Call some Newport movie theatres and inquire about Dance Dance Revolution in late 2012 and ask if anyone danced 10 hours straight daily as if getting his lanky 6 foot, 112 pound scrawny self in shape for anything other than energy drinks and video games and quick-deliver-food. Lots of hype has been bandied about to bolster the Sandy Hook HOAX.
Some was even by the fraudster who made off with $73,000!
Although unnamed, unknown, anonymous investigators stated that they could determine no possible motive or explanation for Adam Lanza's massacre. They "discovered" weird, mystical, unfathomable and mysterious clues to the dastardly deed.
To wit, at about age twelve in the fifth grade, Adam Lanza hand-wrote a book that included stories of children being slaughtered (without adjectives describing it apparently) and a son even shooting his mother in the head.
When authorities inspected the basement they were shocked.
Apparently in the years following this fifth grader murderous fantasy, Adam Lanza was obsessed with mass murders, collecting articles, photos, books, videos and violent video games. One such video game "Columbine massacre style" had players gun down students inside the school building. Adam Lanza supposedly even kept some sort of spreadsheet ranking mass murders on the same sort of destroyed computer that Congress has been unable to extract Emails incriminating the IRS for singling out and attacking conservatives. Although seven computers just "CRASHED" not a bit of incrimination has been dredged from the "CRASHED COMPUTERS although Adam Lanza's computer was smashed and the spreadsheet was obtained off the hard drive. MAGIC! On or about March 18, 2013, information was "leaked" to the press for maximum effect since evidence was piling up fast that Adam Lanza had died in New Hampshire the day BEFORE the massacre and therefore COULD not do have massacred anyone HAD there actually been a massacre.
The report also stated that Adam Lanza acted alone and did not conspire with others to unleash his 154 shot massacre in five whole minutes. An entire thirty seconds AFTER a police officer encountered an "unknown male" running along the east side of the school, Adam Lanza supposedly fired the last shot killing himself.
Unlike the Aurora shooting, the psychiatrists of "shooter" and owners of location (and lawyer pawed "deep pockets") are NOT being sued because of death threats. In one case at least, the attorney informed his clients of "death threats". Who threatened?
THAT is also under wraps apparently if you talk you "EXPIRE". This is reminiscent of various UFO incidents with their verbal, unproven threats. Anonymous threatens and clients/witnesses "clam up". Kind of like organized crime. Offer you can't refuse!
Also "clamed up" are "conspiracy theorists" so various people appearing at local government meetings do not give their names. Why get "leaned on" or threatened when you were not even there. Then their conscience dictates,"Tyranny triumphs when good men stay silent." The quote,"All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent." is generally attributed to Thomas Jefferson although it has not been found in his retirement or presidential papers. Interestingly enough, but a fact of life in the present world of distractions. The closest to this possibly paraphrased quote is found in the Yale Book of Quotes by John Stuart Mill, in a speech at the University of St. Andrews which is said to be Scotland's first university. In 1867 Mill told the assembled, "Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends than that good men should look on and do nothing."
Most likely this "white male" actually was a harmless introverted, but obsessed "game player". Various persons have the idea that violent games cause violent behaviour, although the link has never been proven legally or scientifically.
It is possible that ONLINE violent video games COULD program vulnerable individuals carefully selected by governmental "rascals" into being "mind-controlled" and predisposed to extreme violence, especially if part of a duo or larger group. They might even be drugged and dragged along if not "properly programmed" or "time was short" or the subject was "not yet ready" for individualized mayhim. History is replete with those who sanction and OK murder without "doing the deed" personally. They may prefer to "keep their hands clean" and rationalize that other people "need or require elimination". A famous personage has been quoted in a book that "I am very good at killing people". The author of that book has initiated his personal "CYA" so that he can survive the statements he made in his tome. Anyway, he can say, it is all "hearsay" and his "unnamed sources" told him. Reporters and even non-reporters have been known to serve jail sentences rather than reveal their sources for "quotes".
In fact, it is widely held that video games could transform education. But the caveat and quandary is that game designers, teachers and parents must move beyond the hype and fear that games make people violent. Quite the contrary, it is thought that lacking skill at video games heightens overall aggression that can lead to social confrontational violence.
Many games famous for their violence have been brought up in legal prosecutions as has misogynistic music and even sweetened pastry products, but nothing conclusive has linked them to real world violence. "Shooting video games" in particular are often blamed as the Pentagon, in the past, has sanctioned "combat training simulations" that are said to be directly related to "popular violent video games".
It has been a "societal blame game" for thousands of years to blame war veterans and soldiers in particular, for violent crimes against society when the general population without military experience is just about as likely to "come unhinged" and do harm with or without firearms. People in the Sudan infamously hacked the "opposition" to death, often silently as if chopping weeds! This is "Man's inhumanity to man" and cited a rationale for "it is NOT ONE WORLD" and anyone STUPID enough to think it ever will be is IRRATIONAL, perhaps situation-relatedly irrational by choice.****************************************************************************
This blog is not intended to hurt anyone's feelings, arouse anyone's ire, or in any way, shape, or fashion -- irk anyone. The speculation is pure speculation unless it is blended with other speculation, in which case it might be all baloney in type font. Be not irked, irksome funeral profiteers, charity fund profiteers, and others who tend to feel somehow slighted. If you do not know there are several versions of the Sandy Hook Incident by now, it is possible you skipped over everything to see what was here and will never know except what is here in the disclaimer. Nothing is intended to be personal. Over the years, persons have made note of failings so let the buyer beware. A wise Chris once said,"TRUST NO ONE!" A wise POTUS once said,"TRUST BUT VERIFY." Let the reader be open minded but not subject to believe everything heard, seen, felt,or transcribed. All content provided on this blog is for informational purposes only. The owner of this blog makes no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information on this site or found by following any link on this site. The owner will not be liable for any errors or omissions in this information nor for the availability of this information. The owner will not be liable for any losses, injuries, or damages from the display or use of this information. These terms and conditions of use are subject to change at anytime and without notice.
Over 400 fund raisers with nearly 2 years to go.
Has played more golf that several POTUS combined.
Lied about how dedicated he would be as POTUS.
As usual the advocatesDevil is in the details.